An introduction to ELIXIR video is now available via the ELIXIR website. Further videos on specific areas of activity within ELIXIR will follow over the coming months.
Category Archives: Cooperation
ELIXIR CZ Conference 2016
On the first ELIXIR CZ annual conference Robert Pergl and Marek Suchánek presented “Road to the FAIR Data”. For more information about ELIXIR CZ, our presentation and photos take a look below…
ELIXIR_CZ_2016_FAIR_en_v4Interesting Ph.D. topic from our allied institute
** PhD Position in Value Co-Creation at the **
** Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) **
As a key player in research and innovation in Luxembourg, the
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST,
covers with its 630 employees the domains of materials, environment
and IT. As an RTO (Research and Technology Organisation) and with
its interdisciplinary impact-driven approach, LIST contributes to
the development of Luxembourg’s economy and society.
We visited Formetis Consultants
Formetis Consultants, our Dutch industrial partner and sponsor invited our students working on enterprise engineering topics into their headquarters in Boxtel, The Netherlands. We presented our work, got valuable feedback and support from the CEO Steven van Kervel. Prof. Jan Dietz also came to see our progress. The involved topics were:
- The CIAO! App – a diploma thesis of Bc. Roman Lánský focused on designing a simple messaging and task management application based on the PSI theory and implementing a prototype.
- Transformation of DEMO models into BPMN – a diploma thesis of Bc. Ondřej Mráz, which continues the work of Štěpán Heller, MSc.: an effort to bring the DEMO rigour into the BPMN world and vice versa: providing an intuitive visualisation of DEMO transactions.
- Ongoing work on the Action Model in Formetis DEMO Engine done by Bc. Marek Skotnica as his diploma thesis.
- Bc. Peter Uhnák presented our DynaCASE project and we discussed the synergies with the DEMO Engine.
We also had a very nice social event with great Belgium beer! :-). Thank you, Formetis, for your kind support and hospitality!
Interested? Check the offered topics and/or contact
CTU has become a member of ELIXIR-CZ
Infrastructure ELIXIR (European Life-Science Infrastructure for Biological Information) was founded for the purpose of creating and linking distributed research infrastructure for storage, processing and analysis of life sciences data. It responds to the growing needs of the research community which generates a large and exponentially growing amount of data needing to be stored efficiently, to extract key information and access them. Czech Republic became one of the first members of the consortium and is currently involved in a number of activities within the consortium.
Bioinformatics at CTU has its firm position especially in the form Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and activities at other faculties. On FIT is a research about searching compression of DNA sequences using the dictionary methods and approximate searching patterns in genomes (research group Prague Stringology Club). Most recently, Center for conceptual modeling and implementation get involved in those activities and launched cooperation within ELIXIR-CZ to increase interoperability of bioinformatics data – effort, which is very topical for example in The Netherlands, Slovenia and other countries of ELIXIR infrastructure. The advance in this area is primarily in applying ontological methods in combination with software tools.
ELIXIR-CZ awaits in 2016 great development of investigated topics as well as the infrastructure (technology, cooperation, projects, financing). Involvement of CTU and FIT brings significant opportunities for our researchers and students.
Translated and reposted from faculty magazine Buď FIT (fall 2015, page 34)
ESUG 2015
We were present at this year’s European Smalltalk Users’ Group flagship event, which was held in Brescia, Italy. Although the weather was very hot, the conference was COOL! So many big things running in Smalltalk! Iceland’s mobile network, processors manufacturing and, of course, many business systems. Pharo really rocks, Pharo 5 is under massive development, cool stuff planned. Amazing things — you definitely need to check the GT Tools! More things retweeted on @RobertPergl.
Our DynaCASE project was present by its main programmers — Peter Uhnák and Honza Blizničenko — and got a lot of attention from the community. Michal Balda presented his Querier — a new database query system for Pharo inspired by NotORM.
Sad that you missed it? Do not dispair! ESUG 2016 will be in Prague, organised by FIT & CCMi ;-).
- President of ESUG, prof. Stephane Ducasse
- ESUG sponsors
- Peter Uhnák presents the DynaCASE project
- DynaCASE attracted attention.
- Michal Balda presents his Querier
- Enjoying a delicious Italian pizza
- GPL-licensed petrol!
- Smalltalk rules also robots!
- Honza Blizničenko working on Roassal at Camp Smalltalk
EOMAS 2015 workshop
EOMAS workshop organized by the CCMi was held within multiconference CAiSE’15. The event was held from 8 to 9 June 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. It was the 11th international workshop dealing with the role, importance, and application of modeling and simulation within the extended organizational and enterprise context.
EOMAS is aimed to become a major outlet and networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in the development and application of modeling and simulation. For more information about EOMAS visit
Among the organizers of the workshop EOMAS are members of CCMi:
- Robert Pergl (General Chair),
- Joseph Barjis (General Chair),
- Vojtěch Merunka (Program Co-Chair),
- Martin Molhanec (Program Co-Chair) a
- Petr Kroha (International Program Committee Member).
27th Annual International Conference CAiSE’15 (Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering), held also in Stockholm, attended by nearly 300 scientists, educators and other people dealing with advanced information systems engineering. More information about the conference (including proceedings) are at
CCMi articles in the faculty magazine
You can read our four articles in the spring issue of the faculty magazine Buď FIT:
- The fifth annual conference Enterprise Engineering Working Conference in Prague (pages 4–5)
Author: Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D. - CASE/CABE tool of a new generation is being created at our faculty (page 6)
Author: Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D. - Cooperation with Codiscent on projective technologies (page 7)
Authors: Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D. and Mgr. Ondřej Dvořák - IT and Enterprise Engineering (pages 19–21)
Authors: Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D. and Ing. Pavel Krejčí
Doctoral studies in bioinformatics
Laboratory of Bioinformatics Institute of Microbiology ASCR offers doctoral studies – informations.
Development and implementation of scientific bioinformatics applications
Audition – Laboratory of Bioinformatics Institute of Microbiology ASCR. More in the attachment.