- Business Process Model and Notation is a set of rules and principles for the representation of business processes with diagrams
- Originally developed by BPMI, now by OMG
Taken from poster
- Standard for business process modeling (ISO/IEC 19510:2013)
- Readable for business people
- Ability to capture technical details — 3 levels:
- descriptive (structure of process)
- analytical (contains details of process)
- executable (allows process execution)
- There are many tools for creating diagrams, validation, simulation and process orchestration
- Notation focused only on capturing business processes (not like UML)
- Doesn’t have states and activities such as BORM
- Complex specification and notation (over 500 pages and over 100 graphic elements) can lead to misinterpretation and making false models
- It is necessary to define their own methodology for model creation
- Each analyst may create a slightly different model of the same process
More at bpmn.org, omg.org or wikipedia
Converting DEMO into BPMN
- The camera-ready paper
- The BPMN models.