Author Archives: Robert Pergl

CCM will be at CAISE and EOMAS

Robert Pergl will present the paper “Instance-Level Modelling and Simulation Revisited” at EOMAS. The paper was elaborated in cooperation with the NEMO research group. Robert will be also present at CAISE.

Paper abstract:

Instance-level modelling is a sort of conceptual modelling that deals with concrete objects instead of general classes and types. Instance-level modelling approach offers a rather innovative way for communication with domain experts extremely useful for them, as they can see their real data in the context of the given model. Various approaches were presented in the paper “Instance-Level modelling and Simulation Using Lambda-Calculus and Object-Oriented Environments” at EOMAS 2011. The present paper is a sequel and it presents additional approaches we find useful in practice: Fact-oriented modelling, OntoUML in combination with OCL and the Alloy analyzer and Eclipse-based framework DresdenOCL. We present key features of the various approaches and demonstrate them on a running example, we follow up with a discussion comparing these approaches. Notice that OntoUML combined with the Alloy analyzer is an original research achievement built on the research of OntoUML.

CTU becomes a member of the CIAO! network

Czech Technical University became a member of the CIAO! network. “Cooperation & Interoperability – Architecture & Ontology” (CIAO) is an initiative whose mission is to stimulate the development of the emerging discipline of enterprise engineering, as well as its practical application in improving the societal performance of enterprises. Its members are universities, research institutes, and companies. Their mutual effort is devoted to research, acquiring research funds, disseminating scientific results, and developing practically useful methods, techniques, and tools.

Robert Pergl became the representative of CTU in the CIAO! network.