prof. Dr. Ing. Petr Kroha, CSc.


1994 full professor – Faculty of Computer Science, University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany
1988 associate professor – Faculty of electrical engineering, Technical University, Prague, Computer science
1978 CSc. (like PhD.) – Computer science
1970 Ing. (like MSc.) – Faculty of electrical engineering, Technical University, Prague, Technical cybernetics


2012 – today full professor at the Faculty of information technologies, Technical University,
2011 retired in Germany
1994 – 2011 full professor and chair of the Department Information systems and software engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, TU Chemnitz
1991 – 1994 researcher, faculty of computer science, University of Dortmund, Germany
1970 – 1991 assistant professor, associated professor at the Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of electrical engineering, Technical University, Prague


till now
quality of textual requirements specifications and their mapping into models
1994 till
    • projects of software engineering (requirement specification, aspect-oriented programming, adaptive programming, using ontologies in requirement specifications, identifying contradictions in requirements specifications)
    • projects of information systems (web-oriented information system, text mining, processing of time series using fuzzy and fractal technology, genetic algorithms)
till 1994
software tools combining compilers and databases (project GOODSTEP)
till 1991
databases and information systems

 Visited universities (more than 1 month):

2008 Charles University in Prague Czech Republic 2 months
2008 Universidad Oviedo Spain 4 months
2003 – 2004 Universidad de Queretaro Mexiko 2 months
2003 – 2004 Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile 4 months
1998 – 1999 University of Technology, Sydney Australia 8 months
1994 – 2011 University of Technology, Chemnitz Germany 17,5 years
1991 – 1994 University of Dortmund Germany 3 years
1989 University of Linköping Sweden 6 months


List of published articles

  1. Šenkýř, D.; Kroha, P.
    Problem of Inconsistency and Default Consistency Rules
    In: New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques.  p. 674-687. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. vol. 337. ISBN 978-1-64368-194-8, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2021
  2. Šenkýř, D.; Kroha, P.
    Problem of Inconsistency in Textual Requirements Specification
    In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. p. 213-220. vol. 1. ISSN 2184-4895. ISBN 978-989-758-508-1, SciTePress, Porto, 2021
  3. Šenkýř, D.; Kroha, P.
    Problem of Semantic Enrichment of Sentences Used in Textual Requirements Specification
    In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. p. 69-80. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. vol. 423. ISSN 1865-1348. ISBN 978-3-030-79021-9, Springer, Cham, 2021
  4. Šenkýř, D.; Kroha, P.:
    Patterns for Checking Incompleteness of Scenarios in Textual Requirements Specification
    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. p. 289-296. ISSN 2184-4895. ISBN 978-989-758-421-3, SciTePress, Porto, 2020
  5. Šenkýř, D., Kroha, P.:
    Problem of Incompleteness in Textual Requirements Specification.
    In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies – Volume 1: ICSOFT,
    pp. 323-330, ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7, SciTePress, Porto, 2019
  6. Dvořák, O., Pergl, R., Kroha, P.:
    ADA: Embracing technology change acceleration.
    Enterprise Engineering Working Conference EEWC 2019, ISSN 1613-0073,
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Lisabon, May 2019
  7. Šenkýř, D., Kroha, P.:
    Patterns of Ambiguity in Textual Requirements Specification.
    In: Rocha, A. et al: Proceedings of WorldCIST’19 – World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies,
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Nr. 930, New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 1, p. 886-895, Springer, 2019.
  8. Šenkýř, D., Kroha, P.:
    Patterns in Textual Requirements Specification.
    In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies – ICSOFT 2018,
    pp. 197-204, ISBN = 978-989-758-320-9, SCITEPRESS, Porto, 2018.
  9. Dvořák, O., Pergl, R., Kroha, P.:
    Affordance-Driven Software Assembling.
    In: EEWC 2018, Advances in Enterprise Engineering XII, Chapter 3,p. 39-54. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing LNBIP, Vol. 334, ISSN 1865-1356, ISBN 978-3-030-06096-1, Springer, 2018.
  10. Kroha, P., Škoula, M.:
    Hurst Exponent and Trading Signals Derived from Market Time Series.
    In: Hammoudi, S., Smialek, M., Camp, O., Filipe, O, (Eds.) : Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
    ICEIS 2018, Volume 1, pp. 371-378, ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1, Scipress, Madeira, 2018.
  11. Dvořák, O.; Pergl, R.; Kroha, P.:
    Tackling the Flexibility-Usability Trade-off in Component-Based Software Development.
    In: Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. Springer,
    pp. 861-871. ISSN 2194-5365. ISBN 978-3-319-56534-7, 2017.
  12. Hricov, R., Šenk, A., Kroha, P., Valenta, M.:
    Evaluation of XPath Queries Over XML Documents Using SparkSQL Framework.
    Eds.: Kozielski, S. et al: Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Towards Efficient Solutions for Data Analysis and Knowledge Representation, Proceedings of 13th International Conference BDAS 2017,
    pp. 28 – 41, ISSN 1865-0929. ISBN 978-3-319-58274-0, 2017
  13. Kuznetsov, S., Kordík, P., Řehořek, T., Dvořák, J. and Kroha, P.:
    Reducing cold start problems in educational recommender systems.
    2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver,
    IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727600, pp. 3143-3149. 2016
  14. Šenk, A., Hrstka , M., Valenta, M., Petr Kroha:
    Minimization of Data Transfers During MapReduce Computations in Distributed Wide-Column Stores.
    Proceedings of the International Conference ADBIS – Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9809, pp. 261-274, 2016
  15. Podloucky, N., Pergl, R., Kroha, P.:
    Revisiting the BORM OR Diagram Composition Pattern.
    In: Barjis, J., Pergl, R. Babkin, E. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference EOMAS’2015 – Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation.
    Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 231, Springer, 2015.
    ISBN: 978-3-319-24625-3 (Print) 978-3-319-24626-0 (Online)
  16. Dvorak, O., Pergl, R., Kroha, P.:
    Confirmation Engine Design Based on PSI Theory.
    Proceedings of the 2th Workshop on Cross-organizational and Cross-company BPM (XOC-BPM), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol.1408 (free open access, http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/),Lisbon, 2015
  17. Vinarek, J., Hnetynka, P., Simko, V., Kroha, P.:
    Recovering Traceability Links between Code and Specification through Domain Model Extraction. In: Barjis, J., Pergl, R. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop, EOMAS 2014 (Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 978-3-662-44859-5 (print) and 978-3-662-44860-1 (eBook) Held at CAiSE 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, Springer 2014.
  18. Kroha, P., Friedrich, M.:
    Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for Trading Strategies.
    In: Geffert, V., Preneel, B., Rovan, B., Štuller, J., A Min Tjoa (Eds.):
    Proceedings of SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science,
    40th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and
    Practice of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Nr. 8327,
    pp. 383-394, Springer 2014.
  19. Kroha, P., Lauschke, M.:
    Fuzzy and Fractal Technology in Market Analysis.
    In: Madani, K., Correira, A.D., Rosa, A., Filipe, J. (Eds.): Computational Inteligence,
    Revised and Selected Papers of the International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2010,
    Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 399, pp. 247-260, Springer 2012.
  20. Kroha, P., Kröber, K.:
    The Classification of Time Series under the Influence of Scaled Noise.
    In: María José Escalona Cuaresma, Boris Shishkov, José Cordeiro (Eds.):
    ICSOFT – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 2, pp. 334-340, SciTEPress, Sevilla, 2011.
  21. Kroha, P., Lauschke, M.:
    Using Fuzzy and Fractal Methods for Analyzing Market Time Series.
    In: Proceedings of ICFC’2010 – International Conference of Fuzzy Computing,
    pp. 85 – 92, SciTePress, Valencia, 2010.
  22. Kroha, P., Kröber, K., Janetzko, R.:
    A Case Study: Classification of Stock Exchange News by Support Vector Machines.
    In: Proceedings of ICSOFT’2010 – International Conference of Software and Data
    Technologies, Vol. 1, pp. 331 – 336, Athens, 2010.
  23. Kroha, P., Nienhold, R.:
    Classification of Market News and Prediction of Market Trends.
    In: Proceedings of ICEIS’2010 – 12th International Conference of Enterprise Information systems – Volume 2 (Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems), pp. 187 – 192, INSTICC, ISBN 978-989-8425-05-8, Madeira, 2010.
  24. Kroha, P., Janetzko, R., Labra, J. E.:
    Ontologies in Checking for Inconsistency of Requirements Specification.
    In: Dokoohaki, N., Zavoral, F., Noll, J.(Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing SEMAPRO 2009, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3833-4, Sliema, Malta, October 2009.
  25. Kroha, P., Rink, M.:
    Text Generation for Requirements Validation.
    In: Filipe, J., Cordeiro, J.(Eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Enterprise Information Systems – ICEIS 2009, Milano, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Nr. 24, pp. 467-478, ISBN 978-3-642-01346-1, Springer, May 2009.
  26. Kroha, P., Vychegzhanin, V.:
    Case Study: Running Test Cases for Sequential Programs in Parallel in a Cluster Environment. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering ENASE’2008, ISBN 978-989-8111-29-6,
    Madeira, May 2008.
  27. Kroha, P., Reichel, T., Krellner, B.:
    Text Mining for Indication of Changes in Long-Term Market Trends.
    In: Tochtermann, K., Maurer, H. (Eds.): Proceedings of I-KNOW’07 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management as part of TRIPLE-I 2007, Journal of Universal Computer Science, pp. 424-431, ISSN 0948-695x (online edition ISSN 0948-6968), Graz, September 2007.
  28. Kroha, P., Reichel, T.:
    Using Grammars for Text Classification.
    In: Cardoso, J., Cordeiro, J., Filipe, J.(Eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS’2007, Volume Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, INSTICC with ACM SIGMIS and AAAI, pp. 259-264, ISBN-978-972-8865-89-4, Madeira, June 2007.
  29. Kroha, P., Kurth, M., Fleischer, M.:
    Performance Comparison of Distributed Object Server Implementations.
    In: Kelemenova, A., Kolar, D., Meduna, A., Zendulka, J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Information Systems and Formal Models, ISIM’2007, Silesian University Opava, pp. 39-46, ISBN 978-80-7248-006-7, Hradec nad Moravici, April 2007.
  30. Kroha, P., Rosenhainer, L.:
    Textuelle Anforderungen und Software Migration.
    In: Kaiser, U., Kroha, P., Winter, A. (Hrsg.): 3. Workshop Reengineering Prozesse (RePro 2006) – Software Migration. Informatik Bericht Nr. 2/2006, Institut für Informatik, Fachbereich 08, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, ISSN 0931-9972, November 2006. Reprinted in: GI – Softwaretechnik-Trends, Band 27, Heft 1, ISSN 0720-8928, Februar 2007.
  31. Kroha, P., Baeza-Yates, R., Krellner, B.:
    Text Mining of Business News for Forecasting.
    In: Proceedings of 17th International Conference DEXA’2006, Workshop on Theory
    and Applications of Knowledge Management TAKMA’2006, pp. 171-175,
    IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-2641-1, Krakow, September 2006.
  32. Kroha, P., Gerber, P., Rosenhainer, L.:
    Towards Generation of Textual Requirements Descriptions from UML Models.
    In: Zendulka, J. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling ISIM’2006, MARQ, ACTA MOSIS No. 105, pp. 31-38, ISBN 80-86840-19-0, Přerov, April 2006.
  33. Kroha, P.:
    Aspect-Oriented Programming (tutorial).
    In: Hruška, T.(Ed.): Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference DATAKON 2005, pp. 147-171, ISBN 80-210-3813-6, Brno, October 2005.
  34. Kroha, P., Baeza-Yates, R.:
    A Case Study: News Classification Based on Term Frequency.
    In: Proceedings of 16th International Conference DEXA’2005, Workshop on Theory
    and Applications of Knowledge Management TAKMA’2005, pp. 428-432,
    IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-2424-9, Copenhagen, August 2005.
  35. Kroha, P., Fleischer, M., Becker, Ch.:
    Performance of Applications Ported from Parallel into Cluster Environment.
    In: Zendulka, J. (Ed.): Proceedings of 8th Spring International Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling ISIM’2005, ACTA MOSIS No. 101,
    pp.253-260, MARQ, ISBN 80-86840-09-3, Hradec n. M., April 2005.
  36. Kroha, P.:
    Adaptive Progamming.
    In: Jezek, K. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference DATAKON’2004, pp. 139 – 157, ISBN 80-210-3516-1, Brno, October 2004
    (Invited Paper).
  37. Kroha, P., Becker, C. :
    Using Aspect-Oriented Programming in Software Engineering.
    In: Smrcek, L. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design AED’2004, ISBN 80-86059-41-3, Glasgow, September 2004.
  38. Kroha, P.:
    Using Aspects in Software Development.
    In: Beneš, M. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
    Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, pp. 45 – 52, Acta MOSIS Nr. 96, MARQ, ISBN 80-85988-99-2, Rožnov, April 2004.
  39. Kroha, P., Bürgel, S. :
    Modelling and Design for Adaptive Programming.
    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design AED’2003, Process Engineering Publisher, ISBN 80-86059-35-9, Praha, June 2003.
  40. Kroha, P. Bürgel, S.:
    Embracing UML for Modelling Adaptive Information Systems.
    In: Beneš, M. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling ISIM’2003, pp. 63 – 70, Acta MOSIS Nr. 91, MARQ, ISBN 80-85988-84-4, Brno, April 2003.
  41. Kroha, P., Loeffler, D.:
    Features of a Web-Oriented Information System.
    In: Tjoa, A.M., Wagner, R.R. (Eds.): Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on DEXA’2002 – Network-Based Information Systems, pp. 49-53, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-1668-8, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2002.
  42. Kroha, P., Bürgel, S.:
    Using Adaptive Programming in Legal Advisory Systems.
    In: Hameurlain, A., Cichetti, R., Traunmüller, R. (Eds.): Proceedings DEXA’2002 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2453 , Springer, ISBN 3-540-44126-3, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2002.
  43. Kroha, P.:
    Warum gibt es eine Kluft zwischen Theorie und Praxis im Software Engineering?
    In: Sieber, A., Dilger, W. (Hrsg.): Theorie und Praxis des Software Engineering, německy, Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte, TU Chemnitz, Oktober 2001.
  44. Kroha, P., Gemeinhardt, L.:
    Using XML in a Web-oriented Information System.
    In: Tjoa, A.M., Wagner, R.R.(Eds.): Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on
    DEXA’2001 – Workshop Network-Based Information Systems, pp. 217-221,
    IEEE Computer Society, Munich, September 2001.
  45. Kroha, P.:
    Parallel Object Server for Fine Grained Objects.
    In: Hlavac, V. Jeffery, K., Wiedermann, J, (Eds.): SOFSEM‘2000 – Theory and Practice of Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 1963, Springer, 2000.
  46. Kroha, P.:
    Double Feedback in Requirements Specification.
    (Erscheint in Proceedings of ICCI‘2000 – Kuwait – LNCS, Springer)
  47. Kroha, P.:
    Preprocessing of Requirements Specification.
    In: Ibrahim, M., Küng, J., Revell, N. (Eds.): Proceedings of DEXA‘2000, London, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1873, Springer, 2000.
  48. Kroha, P.:
    Adaptive Programming for Evolutionary Software Systems.
    In: Proceedings of the 45. International Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, 2000.
  49. Kroha, P. Lindner, J.:
    Parallel Object Server – Architecture and Performance.
    In: Bench-Capon, T., Soda, G., Tjoa, A.M.(Eds.):
    Proceedings 10th International Conference DEXA’99, Florence, Italy,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1677, Springer, 1999.
  50. Kroha, P., Lindner, J.:
    Parallel Object Server as a Data Repository for CASE Tools.
    Workshop PDSE’99 of International Conference of Software Engineering ICSE’99,
    In: Croll, P., El-Rewini H. (Eds.): Proceedings International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Los Angeles, May, 1999.
  51. Kroha,P.:
    Advanced Concepts on Top of Object-Oriented Programming.
    Proceedings of System Integration’99, anglicky, Praha, 1999.
  52. Kroha, P., Strauss, M.:
    Requirements Specification Iteratively Combined with Reverse Engineering.
    In: Plášil, F., Jeffery, K. (Eds.): SOFSEM’97: Theory and Practice of Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1338, Springer, 1997.
  53. Kroha, P., Rosenbaum, S.:
    Object Server on a Parallel Computer.
    In: Wagner, R.R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on
    Database and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE Computer Society, 1997.
  54. Kroha, P.:
    Management of Persistent Objects.
    In: Pokorny,J.(Ed.): Proceedings of DATASEM’95 (auch auf CD-ROM),
    anglicky, CS_COMPEX, ISBN 80-900066-9-8, Brno, Oktober 1995.
  55. Kroha, P.:
    Databridge between RDBMS and OODBMS.
    In: Adelsberger,H.H. et al (Eds.):
    Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 973, Springer, 1995.
  56. Kroha, P.:
    Shortcomings and Extensions of Relational DBMS.
    In: Adelsberger,H.H. et al (Eds.):
    Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 973, Springer, 1995.
  57. Kroha, P.:
    O2 – an object-oriented DBMS.
    In: Pokorny,J.(Ed.): Proceedings of DATASEM’94, anglicky,
    CS_COMPEX, ISBN 80-900047-9-2, Brno, Oktober 1994.
  58. Kroha, P.:
    Object-oriented DBMS – Concepts and Applications,
    Tutorial on International Conference DEXA’94, Athens, 1994.
  59. Kroha, P.:
    Using Active and Passive OODBMSs.
    In: Dittrich, K.R.(Ed.): Object-oriented Databases:
    Realising their Potential and Interoperability with RDBMS,
    UNICOM, London, 1994.
  60. Kroha, P.:
    OODBMS GemStone – Properties and Applications.
    In: Pokorny,J.(Ed.): Proceedings of DATASEM’93, anglicky,
    CS_COMPEX, Brno, Oktober 1993.
  61. Emmerich, W., Kroha, P., Schäfer, W.:
    Object-oriented Database Management Systems for Construction of CASE
    Environments. In: Marik,V., Lazansky,J.,Wagner,R.R.(Eds.):
    Proceedings of 4th International Conference DEXA’93,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 720, Springer Verlag, September 1993.
  62. Kroha, P.:
    Databázový systém CLARION.
    Computer Echo 3/93, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1993.
  63. Kroha, P.:
    Objektově-orientovaný databázový systém O2.
    Computer Echo 2/93, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1993.
  64. Kroha, P.:
    Translation of a Query in OODBMS into a System of Parallel Tasks.
    EUROMICRO’92, anglicky, Paris,
    Microprocessing and Microprogramming 37(1993), North-Holland, 1993.
  65. Kroha, P.:
    An Object-Oriented Database in an Incremental Compiler.
    Proceedings of SOFSEM’92, anglicky, Magura, 1992.
  66. Kroha, P.:
    GemStone – objektově-orientovaný databázový systém.
    Computer Echo 4/92, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1992.
  67. Kroha, P.:
    Kompilátor Meridian Ada .
    Computer Echo 2/92, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1992.
  68. Kroha, P., Fritzson, P.:
    A Compiler with Scheduling for a Specialized Synchronous Multiprocessor System. In: Proceeding of the International Conference Compiler Compilerers´91. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 477/1991, pp. 132-146, 1991.
  69. Kroha, P.:
    Code Generation for a Single Instruction Machine.
    In: Proceedings of Workshop on Code Generation: Giegerich, R., Graham, S.L. (Eds.):
    Code Gemeration – Concepts,Tools, Techniques. Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report Nr. 13,
    ISSN 0940-1121, May 1991.
  70. Kroha, P.:
    CLIPPER 5.0 a kompilace aplikačních databázových programů.
    Computer Echo 4/91, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1991.
  71. Kroha, P.:
    ORACLE – špička pyramidy.
    Computer Echo 3/91, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1991.
  72. Kroha, P.:
    Pravda a tušení v testech databázových systémů.
    Computer Echo 1/91, česky, CompAlmanach, Praha, 1991.
  73. Kroha, P.:
    Code Generation for a Single Instruction Machine.
    Proceedings of SOFSEM’91, anglicky, Chopok, 1991.
  74. Kroha, P., Fritzson, P.:
    Software Features of an Extended Single Instruction Machine.
    EUROMICRO’91, anglicky, Vienna,
    Microprocessing and Microprogramming 34(1992), North-Holland, 1991.
  75. Kroha, P.:
    dBASE včera, dnes a zítra.
    Computer Echo 4/90, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1990.
  76. Kroha, P.:
    Srovnání databázových systémů dBASE IV a ORACLE.
    Computer Echo 1/90, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1990.
  77. Kroha, P.:
    SQL v databázovém systému ORACLE.
    Sborník semináře Databázový system ORACLE, česky,
    ČSVTS, Praha, 1990.
  78. Kroha, P.:
    dBASE v lokální síti z hlediska uživatele.
    Sborník seminář dBASE v lokálních sítích, česky,
    ČSVTS, Praha, 1990.
  79. Kroha, P.,Kosina, M.,Drašnar, F.:
    Databázové systémy pro mikropočítače – porovnání systémů dBASE a ORACLE.
    Sborník conference MOP’90, česky, CSVTS, Domaša, 1990.
  80. Kroha, P.:
    Single instruction machine and its programming.
    Proceedings of the 1st Annual IDA Conference of Computer Science, anglicky,
    Universität Linköping (Schweden), 1989.
  81. Kroha, P.:
    Code generation for a RISC machine.
    Informatik, Informationen, Reporte 5(1989), No. 3, anglicky,
    Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berlin,1989.
  82. Kroha, P.:
    Code generation for a RISC machine.
    Proceedings of Conference Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 371, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
  83. Kroha, P.:
    Jazyk SQL – rozšíření a implementace.
    Sborník konference SOFSEM’88, česky,
    ČSVTS, Malenovice, 1988.
  84. Blažek, Z., Kroha, P.:
    A parallel RISC-machine and its programming.
    Proceedings of Conference MIPRO’88, anglicky,
    Technische Universität Ljubljana (Jugoslawien), Rjeka, 1988.
  85. Kroha, P.:
    Relationale Datenbanksysteme für Mikrocomputer.
    Proceedings of Conference MINI/MIKRO’88, česky,
    ČSVTS, Praha, 1988.
  86. Kroha, P.,Slavík, P.:
    Strukturované programování a výuka jazyka BASIC.
    Sborník conference Mikropočítače ve výuce, česky,
    ČSVTS, Praha, 1988.
  87. Kroha, P.:
    Software features of design of a RISC-multiprocessor system.
    Studientexte Programmiersprachen und Implementation, anglicky,
    Heft 99b/88, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1988.
  88. Blažek, Z., Kroha, P.:
    Machine code for a reconfigurable RISC-multiprocessor System.
    Informatik, Informationen, Reporte 4(1988), No. 8, anglicky,
    Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berlin, 1988.
  89. Blažek, Z., Kroha, P.:
    Rekonfigurovatelný paralelní RISC procesor.
    Sborník konference Microsystem’87, česky,
    ČSVTS, Brno, 1987.
  90. Blažek, Z., Kroha, P.:
    Design of a reconfigurable parallel RISC machine.
    EUROMICRO ’87, Microprocessing and Microprogramming 21(87), anglicky,
    North-Holland, Portsmouth, 1987.
  91. Kroha, P.:
    Databázový systém Datatrieve – výhody, nevýhody.
    Sborník semináře Relační databázové systémy na počítači SM 4-20, česky, ČSVTS, Praha, 1987.
  92. Kroha, P.:
    Základy databázových systémů.
    Sborník semináře Relační databázové systémy na počítači SM 4-20, česky,
    ČSVTS, Praha, 1987.
  93. Blažek, Z., Kroha, P.:
    Návrh rekonfigurovatelných mikroprocesorových systémů.
    Sborník konference MOP’87, česky, ČSVTS, Vinné, 1987.
  94. Kroha, P.:
    Design of a code generator by help of a PROLOG Database.
    Proceedings of the Workshop Compiler Compilers and Incremental Compilation, IIR,
    anglicky, Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, IIR 12(1986), Bautzen, 1986.
  95. Kroha, P.:
    Eine PROLOG-unterstützte Synthese von Codegenerator Teilen.
    Studientexte Software-Technologie, německy,
    Heft 96/87, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1987.
  96. Kroha, P.:
    A target code generation.
    3rd Meeting of the Working Group 20 (Ada), anglicky,
    CSVTS, Praha, 1986.
  97. Kroha, P.:
    Entwurf eines Codegenerators mit Hilfe einer PROLOG-Datenbank.
    Proceedings of Rechnergestuetzte Problemloesung / Computeranalytik, německy, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1986.
  98. Kroha, P.:
    Problémy generování cílového kódu pro počítač PDP-11.
    Sborník conference Ada and Pascal’86, česky,
    ČSVTS, Velké Karlovice, 1986.
  99. Kroha, P.:
    Generátor kódu pro kompilátor jazyka Ada.
    Sborník konference MOP’86, česky,
    ČSVTS, Červený Kláštor, 1986.
  100. Kroha, P.:
    Education in postgraduate studies on microelectronic.
    Proceedings of Seminar Education on Microelectronics, anglicky,
    HTE Budapest, Budapest, 1985.
  101. Kroha, P.:
    Eigenschaften eines Codegenerators für Ada-Compiler.
    Studientexte Software-Technologie, německy,
    Heft 82/85, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1985.
  102. Kroha, P.:
    Konstruktoren und Codegeneratoren.
    Studientexte Software-Technologie, německy,
    Heft 10/84, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1984.
  103. Kroha, P.:
    Tabellenorientierte Implementierungsmethoden.
    Proceedings of Tagung algorithmischen Sprachen III.,německy,
    Pädagogische Hochschule Dresden, Dresden,1983.
  104. Kroha, P.:
    Technologie der Implementierung eines Codegenerators.
    Studientexte Software-Technologie, německy,
    Heft 61/82, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1982.
  105. Kroha, P.:
    Generování cílového programu.
    Sborník semináře Compilers of Programming Languages’82, česky, CSVTS, Praha, 1982.
  106. Kroha, P.:
    Metody konstrukce generátoru kódu.
    Acta polytechnica 14/82, česky,
    Nakladatelství ČVUTPraha, 1982.
  107. Kroha, P.:
    Methoden der Codeoptimierung für eine PDP-11 like Maschine.
    Proceedings of Tagung algorithmische Sprachen II., německy,
    Pädagogische Hochschule Dresden, Dresden, 1981.
  108. Kroha, P.:
    Eine Sprache für den automatisierten Entwurf eines Codegenerators.
    Proceedings of Seminar Systemprogrammierung’80, německy,
    WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1980.
  109. Kroha, P.:
    Zum Problem des Entwurfs eines Systemprogramms.
    Proceedings of Seminar Systemprogrammierung in Geissing, německy,
    WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1980.
  110. Kroha, P.:
    Hranice použití počítačů.
    Sdělovací technika 2/81, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1981.
  111. Kroha, P.:
    Semantische Transformationen.
    Vorträge zur analytischen Arbeit mit dem Computer, německy,
    Heft 42/80, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1980.
  112. Kroha, P.:
    Zur Problematik der Codegeneratorkonstruktion.
    Vorträge zu algorithmischen Sprachen, německy,
    Heft 40/79, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1979.
  113. Kroha, P.:
    Optimalizace kódu.
    Sborník konference MOP’80, česky,
    ČSVTS, Tatranská Lomnice, 1980.
  114. Kroha, P.:
    Mikroprocesory – jak je používat.
    TAMR 1/79, česky, SPN, Praha, 1979.
  115. Kroha, P.:
    Eine Methode der automatischen Programmsynthese.
    Vorträge zu Fachsprachen und Programmverifikation, německy,
    Heft 37/79, WBZMKR TU Dresden, Dresden, 1978.
  116. Kroha, P.:
    Problémy automatické syntézy programů.
    Sborník IV. mezinárodní konference ARS’78, česky,
    CSVTS, Ostrava, 1978.
  117. Kroha, P.:
    Použití seznamů při zpracování dat.
    Acta polytechnica 4/77, česky,
    Nakladatelství ČVUTPraha, 1977.
  118. Kroha, P., Vogel, J.:
    Systém grafického výstupu na počítači TESLA 270,
    Dataservis 5-6, česky, TESLA, Praha, 1973.
  119. Kroha, P.:
    Jak zvýšit spolehlivost dat na magnetických páskách.
    Dataservis 3, česky, TESLA, Praha, 1973.
  120. Kroha, P.:
    Metoda komprese dat pro textové soubory.
    Dataservis 1-2, česky, TESLA, Praha, 1973.

List of published books

  1. Kroha, P.:
    Německy, Prentice Hall, 1997.
  2. Kroha, P.:
    Objects and Databases.
    Anglicky, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  3. Kroha, P.:
    Zpracování dat II.
    Učebnice pro střední ekonomické školy,
    česky, SPN, Praha, 1990,
    překlad, slovensky, SPN, Bratislava, 1990.
  4. Kroha, P., Slavík, P.:
    BASIC pro začátečníky.
    Učebnice strukturovaného programování v jazyce BASIC,
    1. vydání, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1988,
    2. vydání, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1988.
  5. Kroha, P., Tolar, J., Šustr, K.:
    Elektrotechnika II.
    Učebnice pro průmyslové školy,
    1. vydání, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1985,
    překlad, slovensky, ALFA, Bratislava, 1985,
    překlad, maďarsky, SPN, Bratislava, 1988,
    2. vydání, česky, SNTL, Praha, 1990.
  6. Kroha, P., Štulc, J.,Mannová, B.:
    Programování IV.
    Učebnice pro gymnasia,
    1. vydání, česky, SPN, Praha, 1982,
    2. vydání, česky, SPN, Praha, 1990.
  7. Kroha, P., Molnár, L.:
    Programování III.
    Učebnice pro gymnasia,
    česky, SPN, Praha, 1981
    překlad, slovensky, SPN, Bratislava, 1982.
  8. Kroha, P., Šustr, K., Šulko, I.:
    Elektrotechnika III.
    Učebnice pro průmyslové školy stavební,
    česky, SNTL, Praha, 1979,
    Překlad, slovensky, ALFA, Bratislava, 1980.
  9. Kroha, P., Šustr, K.:
    Elektrotechnika II.
    Učebnice pro průmyslové školy stavební,
    česky, SNTL, Praha, 1978,
    překlad, slovensky, ALFA, Bratislava, 1979.
  10. Kroha, P.:
    Elektrotechnika II.
    Učebnice pro průmyslové školy chemické,
    česky, SNTL, Praha, 1978,
    překlad, slovensky, ALFA, Bratislava, 1979.

List of published textbooks

  1. Kroha, P.
    dBASE IV.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1990.
  2. Kroha, P., Drašnar, F.:
    Databázový systém ORACLE a jazyk SQL.
    Skriptum pro výuku ORACLE,
    česky, ČSVTS, Praha, 1990.
  3. Kroha, P., Kosina, M., Sommer, T.:
    Použití databázového systému dBASE III Plus v lokálních sítích.
    Skriptum pro výuku dBASE,
    česky, ČSVTS, Praha , 1990.
  4. Kroha, P.:
    Konstrukce databázových systémů.
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1990.
  5. Kroha, P.:
    Datové soubory.
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUTPraha, 1990.
  6. Kroha, P., Slavík, P.:
    Skriptum pro výuku jazyka QuickBASIC,
    česky, Agrokombinát Slušovice, Slušovice,1990.
  7. Kroha, P., Drašnar, F.:
    Učebnice systému ORACLE a jazyka SQL,
    česky, Agrokombinát Slušovice, Slušovice, 1990.
  8. Kroha, P.:
    Databázové systémy dBASE III a dBASE III Plus.
    Příručka dBASE III a dBASE III Plus,
    česky, ČSVTS, Praha, 1988.
  9. Kroha, P.:
    Databázové systémy pro mikropočítače.
    Učebnice dBASE II, dBASE III a dBASE III Plus,
    česky, ČSVTS, Praha, 1988.
  10. Kroha, P.:
    Databázové systémy.
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium, česky,
    1. vydání, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1987,
    2. vydání, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1990,
    3. vydání, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1991.
  11. Kroha, P.:
    Databázové systémy.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1989.
  12. Kroha, P.:
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1987.
  13. Kroha, P.:
    Zpracování dat.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1987.
  14. Kroha, P.:
    Zpracování dat.
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1987.
  15. Kroha, P., Slavík, P.:
    Základy programování pro učitele základních škol.
    Učebnice pro učitele základních škol,
    česky, ČSVTS, Praha, 1986.
  16. Kroha, P.:
    Databázové systémy a počítačová grafika.
    Skriptum pro postgraduální studium,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1986.
  17. Kroha, P.:
    Organizace a zpracování hromadných dat.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1982.
  18. Kolář, J., Kroha, P.:
    Algebra a teorie grafů – cvičení.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1982.
  19. Kroha, P.:
    Počítače a programování II. – ALGOL.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT. Praha, 1981.
  20. Kroha, P.:
    Organizace a zpracování hromadných dat – Cvičení.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1979.
  21. Kroha, P.:
    COBOL a zpracování hromadných dat.
    Skriptum pro studenty elektrotechnické fakulty,
    česky, Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1978.

List of published research reports

  1. Šimko, V., Kroha, P., Hnětynka, P.:
    Implemented Domain Model Generation,
    Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems,
    Tech. Report No. D3S-TR-2013-03, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
    Charles University, Prague, 2013.
  2. Bureš, T., Hnětynka, P., Kroha, P., Šimko, V.:
    Requirement Specifications Using Natural Languages,
    Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems,
    Tech. Report No. D3S-TR-2012-05, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
    Charles University, Prague, 2012.
  3. Šimko, V., Kroha, P., Hnětynka, P.:
    Domain Model GenerationWith the Help of Supervised Machine Learning.
    Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems,
    Technical report no. D3S-TR-2012-06, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
    Charles University, Prague, 2012.
  4. Kroha, P., Labra Gayo, J. E.:
    Using Semantic Web Technology in Requirements Specifications.
    Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte CSR-08-02, ISSN 0947-5125,
    TU Chemnitz, November 2008.
  5. Kroha, P., Baeza-Yates, R.:
    Classification of Stock Exchange News.
    Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte, CSR-04-02, ISSN 0947-5125,
    TU Chemnitz, November 2004.
  6. Beckmann, W., Brunsmann, J., Dong, D., Emmerich, W., Kroha, P.,
    Reimer, W., Sachweh, S., Schäfer, W.:
    The GoodStep Tool Specification Language – Reference Manual.
    GoodStep ESPRIT project 6115, Dept. of Computer Science,
    University of Dortmund, 1993.
  7. Kroha, P., Slavík, P.:
    Teaching Structured Programming in BASIC Environment.
    Research Report DC-89-03,
    ČVUT Praha, 1989.
  8. Fritzson, P., Kroha, P.:
    An Object-Oriented Approach to the Symbol Processing.
    LITH-IDA-R-89-27, Research Report, PELAB,
    University of Linköping (Švédsko), 1989.
  9. Kroha, P., Fritzson, P.:
    A Compiler with Scheduling for a Specialized Multiprocessor System.
    LITH-IDA-R-89-26, Research Report, PELAB,
    University of Linköping (Švédsko), 1989.
  10. Kroha, P.:
    An Extension of the Single Instruction Machine Idea.
    LITH-IDA-R-89-25, Research Report, PELAB,
    University of Linköping (Švédsko), 1989.
  11. Kroha, P.:
    Automatická syntéza programů.
    Disertace (CSc.), česky,
    ČVUT Praha, 1977.
  12. Kroha, P.:
    Automatická syntéza programů a plány robotů.
    Výzkumná zpráva, česky,
    VÚMS (Výzkumný ústav matematických strojů), Praha, 1977.
  13. Kroha, P.:
    Poznámky k formalizaci sémantiky.
    Zpráva ke zkoušce v doktorandském studiu, česky,
    ČVUT Praha, 1974.

Publications in Zotero

Šenkýř, D., Suchánek, M., Kroha, P., Mannaert, H., & Pergl, R. (2022). Expanding Normalized Systems from Textual Domain Descriptions using TEMOS. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 59(2), 391–414.
Šenkýř, D., Suchánek, M., Kroha, P., Mannaert, H., & Pergl, R. (2022). Expanding Normalized Systems from textual domain descriptions using TEMOS. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2020). Patterns for Checking Incompleteness of Scenarios in Textual Requirements Specification: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 289–296.
Kroha, P., & Strauß, M. (1997). Requirements specification iteratively combined with reverse engineering. In F. Plášil & K. G. Jeffery (Eds.), SOFSEM’97: Theory and Practice of Informatics (Vol. 1338, pp. 473–480). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Kroha, P. (2000). Preprocessing of Requirements Specification. In M. Ibrahim, J. Küng, & N. Revell (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (Vol. 1873, pp. 675–684). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Kroha, P., Janetzko, R., & Labra, J. E. (2009). Ontologies in Checking for Inconsistency of Requirements Specification. 2009 Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, 32–37.
Kroha, P., Gerber, P., & Rosenhainer, L. (2006). Towards Generation of Textual Requirements Descriptions from UML Models. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Information Systems  Implementation and Modelling ISIM’2006, 9, 31--38.
Kroha, P., & Rink, M. (2009). Text Generation for Requirements Validation. In J. Filipe & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Enterprise Information Systems (Vol. 24, pp. 467–478). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2018). Patterns in Textual Requirements Specification: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies, 197–204.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2019). Patterns of Ambiguity in Textual Requirements Specification. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis, & S. Costanzo (Eds.), New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 930, pp. 886–895). Springer International Publishing.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (n.d.). Patterns of Ambiguity in Textual Requirements Specification.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2018). Patterns in Textual Requirements Specification. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies, 231–238.
Šenkýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2019). Problem of Incompleteness in Textual Requirements Specification. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies, 323–330.
Dvořák, O., Pergl, R., & Kroha, P. (2015). Confirmation Engine Design Based on PSI Theory. 17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Workshop on Cross-Organizational and Crosscompany BPM (XOC-BPM) Lisbon.
Podloucký, M., Pergl, R., & Kroha, P. (2015). Revisiting the BORM OR Diagram Composition Pattern. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation, 231, 102–113.
Kroha, P., & Rink, M. (2009). Text Generation for Requirements Validation. Enterprise Information Systems, 467–478.
Dvořák, O., Pergl, R., & Kroha, P. (2018). Affordance-driven Software Assembling. Advances in Enterprise Engineering XII: 8th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Proceedings. Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, Cham.
Dvořák, O., Pergl, R., & Kroha, P. (2017). Tackling the Flexibility-Usability Trade-off in Component-Based Software Development. Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 861–871.